Project Description

Hot towel

Hot towel

Relaxation and warming muscle massage

  • Circulatory

  • Warming up

  • Musculature relaxing

  • Antispasmodic

  • Analgesic

  • Immune system stimulating

The hot roll is a tried and tested hydrotherapeutic process in which a tightly wrapped towel is filled with very hot water. The moist heat penetrates deep into the tissue during application and promotes blood circulation.

The Hot Roll combines targeted heat application and massage: one or two terry towels are firmly rolled up in a funnel shape and soaked 2/3 with hot water. The roll is then slowly rolled out by the therapist onto the selected body parts while the roll is massaged. The combination of heat and pressure leads to reactive hyperaemia (increased blood circulation).

It relieves muscle tension and thus relieves pain. It increases the metabolism and has a reflective effect on internal organs. One has a long-lasting deep effect, an activation of the lymph vessel system as well as a stimulation of the immune system. The result is general relaxation, an increase in quality of life and well-being.

Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

Book a treatment at the reception Hotel Steffani St.Moritz (+41 81 8369696) or direct by me (+41 79 8709699)